Suset blev ombygget og udvidet lidt i 1999, så det nu er muligt, at være der om vinteren. Dog bliver det ikke udlejet i perioder, hvor der er risiko for frost, dvs. i månederne november til marts. Ejerne, Karen og Ole Mikkelsen, bor til daglig i Faaborg på Sydfyn, så vi kan ikke benytte det hele tiden, så derfor udlejes ledige perioder via AirBnb og privat. Da vi ikke selv altid kan være tilstede mellem udlejningerne, har vi aftale med venner om at tilse opydnings- og rengørings–standarden efter udlejning.
Det lille sommerhusområde, der omfatter ca. 30 huse på Fuglsøvej og de to sideveje Lærkealle og Enebærvej, blev påbegyndt bebygget i slutningen af 1930'erne.. Susets bygherre og første ejer var den nuværende ejer, Karens, far, Samtlige grunde blev i sin tid købt af folk fra Randers. På den anden side af Lærkealle ned mod stranden er der en privat campingplads, som fortsat er ejet af Randers Motorklub. I dag er mange af husene fortsat ejet af efterkommerne af de oprindelige, som selvfølgelig ikke længere nødvendigvis bor i Randers.
Her er Suset set fra bagsiden. Here's Suset seen from the back.
Between the hills and the beach
Suset is located approximately 250 m. to both the beach and the Mols Mountains itself. The address is Enebærvej 8, 8400 Ebeltoft. At the end of Enebærvej you can walk up the hills. In some places you may have to pass electric fences.
In the hills there is an amazing flora of berries, mushrooms and rare plants. Wild animals and cattle, horses or sheep are also encountered.
The beach is reached by going to Fuglsøvej and left 100 m, and then on the right at Fuglsøvej nr. 19. The residents of Enebærvej and Lærkeallé are allowed to use this beach area and the bathing bridge.
The small cottage area, which comprises approx. 30 houses on Fuglsøvej and the two side roads Lærkealle and Enebærvej, began construction in the late 1930s. Suset's builder and first owner were the current owner, Karens father. All of the building plots were bought by people from the town Randers. On the other side of Lærkealle down to the beach there is a private campsite, which is still owned by Randers Motorklub. Today, many of the houses are still owned by the descendants of the original who, of course, all of them no longer live in Randers.
Suset was remodeled and expanded a little in 1999, so it is now possible to be there in the winter. However, it will not be rented during periods when there is a risk of frost, ie. in the months of November to March. The owners, Karen and Ole Mikkelsen, live daily in Faaborg on Sydfyn, so we can not use it all the time, so hiring available periods through AirBnb and private. As we can not always be present between rentals, we have a deal with friends to consider the cleanup and cleaning standards after rental.